

  If not for C.C. walking in on them, Maxwell and Fran would have done it in the hospital bed next to Niles. After the fact, Fran is encouraged that finally something is happening between them. Maxwell on the other hand is still uncertain, and gets some glib advice from Niles to preoccupy Fran with some meaningless project, like redecorating a room, to give him more time to figure out what to do. Fran sees right through what Maxwell's doing. Sylvia sees Maxwell's ploy as letting Fran into his life and his home, especially as the room in question is the sanctuary: the kitchen. Fran initially wants to do all the work herself, much like Maxwell's first wife, Sarah, did with the house, but Sylvia convinces Fran to enlist the help of Fran's flamboyant decorator cousin, Sheila.


  • 歪星撞地球第一季 7.0 歪星撞地球第一季
    1996 美国
    简介:四个外星人来到了地球,化身为所罗门一家研究人类的文化。迪克,作为总指挥官的他,扮演了中年父亲的角色,并做了大学的物理教授。莎莉,副指挥官,武器专家,身份是迪克的妹妹。汤米,信息官,真实年龄比迪克大得多,却扮成迪克的儿子,通过在学校受教育来搜集人类的各种资料。哈里,身份是迪克的弟弟,其实是小团队联系总部的工具,功能类似于电话。   别以为有外星人就是科幻片,人家来地球纯粹是为了体验做人到底是啥感觉的。神刀刀的教授;人高马大,自认为绝色的教授妹妹;处于青春期,色得可爱的教授儿子;傻得很有水平,从来睁不开眼的教授弟弟。“歪星人”妙趣横生的地球之旅,带给我们的是欢笑以及对人性的思考。
  • 歪星撞地球第二季 1.0 歪星撞地球第二季
    1997 美国
    简介:A group of aliens has come to Earth to learn about its population, customs, etc. To avoid detection, they have taken on human form which gives them human emotions, physical needs etc. WITHOUT the understanding of what they mean or the inhibitions normally present in humans. Their leader takes the position of a college professor, their military expert as his sister, their intell...
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    简介:A group of aliens has come to Earth to learn about its population, customs, etc. To avoid detection, they have taken on human form which gives them human emotions, physical needs etc. WITHOUT the understanding of what they mean or the inhibitions normally present in humans. Their leader takes the position of a college professor, their military expert as his sister, their intell...
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    2009 美国
    简介:在名为“玩具屋”的非法地下组织中,每年都有大量的“生物体”被制造出来,这些生物体表面上和人类无异,却是没有思想和灵魂的“玩具娃娃”,他们被租赁给世界各地的黑道富豪,用以完成各种各样或是复杂或是危险的秘密任务。任务完成后的生物体会被送回玩具屋,消抹掉所有的记忆,重新变为“傀儡”状态。   性感美丽的艾科(艾丽莎·杜什库 Eliza Dushku 饰)就是这些“玩具娃娃”中的一员,与其他伙伴不同的是,偶然间,艾科竟然产生了自我,面对自己的处境和状态,艾科的心中充满了疑惑,这让玩具屋的高层感到十分不妙。与此同时,名为保罗(塔莫·潘尼凯 Tahmoh Penikett 饰)的联邦探员也盯上了艾科。
  • 糟糕历史第四季 7.0 糟糕历史第四季
    2012 美国


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