- 2.0 苦味雏菊第二季
2020 海外简介:This series is above the expectations they had about it. It is very fast (beyond the tempo of each episode) conflicts are able to develop and resolve in each episode. Which for one as a spectator is very good since the rhythm is never lost. On the other hand, humor management is constant and gives it its point of grace so that conflicts, which are very deep, can occur with a li...
- 1.0 鹤啸九天
1998 海外简介:新加坡与中国合拍的古装神话剧,改编自中国古代传说《八仙过海》与神话小说《东游记》。通天妖道破咒重生,按照天数所示,要上洞八仙归位才能抵抗妖道。东华上仙(马景涛 饰)临危受命,自愿经受劫难引导八仙归位,经过挑选,韩湘子(常铖 饰)、何仙姑(郑秀珍 饰)、蓝采和(沈依灵 饰)、曹国舅(李海杰 饰)、汉钟离(麦皓为 饰)、铁拐李(林益盛 饰)张果老被选成了八仙。东华上仙被贬下凡成为吕洞宾(马景涛 饰),与牡丹仙子(郭妃丽 饰)转世的白牡丹以及何仙姑经历了感情纠葛。小妖怪穿山甲(谢韶光 饰)痴恋何仙姑,但却亦正亦邪。尚未成为韩湘子的费长房(常铖 饰)忘不掉亡妻贞娘(林湘萍 饰),又意外遇到了龙三公主(林湘萍 饰)。面对千年情劫,八仙经历重重磨难,最后还是顺利归位,走上了除魔卫道之路。
- 3.0 卫国先锋
- 6.0 流氓律师