

类型: 喜剧




艾斯波西多(托托 Totò 饰)和同伙在古罗马议事厅的废墟上,乔装成导游向美国游客推销伪造的古钱币,不料事情败露,二人匆匆逃离。没有生活来源的艾斯波西多只得再生一计,和街上找来的小孩子合伙领取美国救济品,结果派发救济品的美国代表居然是假钱币的受害人,派发现场的警察波多尼(Aldo Fabrizi 饰)受命捉拿艾斯波西多,骗子和追捕者们,在罗马的大街小巷展开了一场马拉松赛事。体力不支的艾斯波西多终于被捉,但很快利用如厕上演金蝉脱壳,丢失了犯人的警察波多尼惨遭美国代表投诉,上峰限制他在三个月之内必须捉到艾斯波西多,一对儿境遇不佳的警察和小偷,继续着他们之间的猫鼠之缘……


  • 糊涂侦探归 6.0 糊涂侦探归
    1989 喜剧
    简介:  Get Smart, Again! is a made-for-TV movie based on the 1965-1970 NBC/CBS television series, Get Smart!, which originally aired February 26, 1989 on ABC (ironically, the network that rejected the original pilot for the Get Smart! TV series). It has subsequently been released twice on DVD by different publishers. In the video release of the movie, the background canned laughter (pre-recorded laughter added later to the soundtrack), is absent.  Overview  Differences between Get Smart, Again! and The Nude Bomb  The film is not as well known as the earlier theatrical release, The Nude Bomb, also based on Get Smart, but was better received by fans of the original program. Unlike The Nude Bomb, which featured only the characters of Smart, The Chief (with Dana Elcar replacing the deceased Edward Platt), Agent 13 (Dave Ketchum in the series, portrayed by Joey Forman in The Nude Bomb, who had played the character Harry Hoo in the series) and Larrabee, Get Smart, Again! featured all of the surviving original cast reprising their roles. The tone and feel of Get Smart, Again! were also closer to that of the original series. Get Smart, Again! was written and produced by Leonard Stern, who was a producer of the original series. One element of the Nude Bomb ignored completely was the renaming of CONTROL as PITS in the earlier film; although as CONTROL is said to have disbanded in the 1970s, it's not impossible for both CONTROL and PITS to exist within the continuity of the franchise.  Barbara Feldon's character, 99, makes a reference to T.H.R.U.S.H., the evil organization in The Man From U.N.C.L.E., a show on which Feldon guest-starred.  Theme music  Get Smart, Again! also reprises the TV program's original theme music and opening credit sequence, which were absent from The Nude Bomb. In this case, however, the corridors were covered in cobwebs and the phone-booth elevator that led to CONTROL headquarters worked in reverse, causing Smart to be thrown to the top of the booth.  Synopsis  Maxwell Smart, acting as a protocol officer since CONTROL was disbanded in the early 1970s, is reactivated as a counterintelligence agent by Commander Drury (Kenneth Mars) of the United States Intelligence Agency. KAOS, long considered defunct, has been revitalized by a corporate takeover. Its first scheme involves turning a forgotten American scientist and using his weather control machine to extort $250 billion US dollars from the United States Government. Drury, convinced that only Smart has the expertise to combat KAOS, gives him carte blanche to reactivate former CONTROL agents to assist him in his task. Along with Drury's bumbling aide, Beamish (Steve Levitt), Smart recruits Larrabee (who, believing that he was under orders from Richard Nixon to stay at his post until relieved, has been living in his office in the now-abandoned CONTROL headquarters tending his office plants), Agent 13, Hymie the Robot (now employed as a crash test dummy) and ultimately, his wife 99 (Barbara Feldon) to find the security leak that allowed the scientist to defect, locate the weather machine and disarm it. They are opposed by KAOS moles within the USIA, who are able to predict Max's every move with the aid of stolen copies of 99's unpublished memoirs. The visible head of the KAOS scheme is revealed to be Max's old nemesis, Siegfried, but he is merely the agent of a higher executive whom even he has never met. This higher power is finally revealed as Nicholas Demente (Harold Gould), 99's publisher, who intends not only to extort the money but also to create weather that will keep people eternally indoors and interfere with television reception, forcing millions to entertain themselves by buying Demente's books and publications.  Comedic style  The script is littered with typical Maxwell Smart verbal gags, and large portions of the plot serve only as set ups for Get Smart!-style sight gags (such as a duel between Max and a KAOS hitman using remote controlled file cabinet drawers). The film also features the array of bizarre gadgetry and political satire that were hallmarks of the original series. The cone of silence has been superseded by "Hover Cover" where a meeting is held on a rooftop with three helicopters hovering overhead. The failure of Hover Cover leads to the development of "The Hall Of Hush",a soundproof room where words print out silently in mid air, a success at first until the words begin to print forward, backward and on top of each other.  Max changes the well known quote "Dr. Livingstone I Presume" to "Dr. Hottentot I Presume".  1995 revival  The relative success of the film prompted the development of a short-lived 1995 weekly series on FOX, also titled Get Smart, with Don Adams and Barbara Feldon reprising their characters as their bumbling son, Zach (Andy Dick), becomes CONTROL's star agent.  原班人马啊,好想看。TAT
  • 名嘴大丈夫 8.0 名嘴大丈夫
    1990 喜剧
    简介:  一名风流的汽车推销,员工作不忘泡妞,活得不亦乐乎,谁知倒楣事接连发生:前妻要钱、情妇要人、混混要讨债、上司要他成打订单否则叫他滚蛋···。接著一名女职员的丈夫气极败坏地持枪闯进公司,扣留所有人质,誓言找出太太的情夫,大难临头之际,他要如何靠三寸之舌摆平危机?!以脱口秀起家的罗宾威廉斯,以他幽默戏谑、说话彷如连珠炮的喜剧风格,演出本片小人物打误撞立大功的喜闹情,表现得活灵活现,令人捧腹叫绝。加上提姆罗宾斯突破演出戴绿帽的短路丈夫,疯狂的表现更添张和笑料。
  • 霹雳教头 5.0 霹雳教头
    1990 喜剧
  • 偷偷爱着你SP 1.0 偷偷爱着你SP
    2008 喜剧
    简介:  本片是根据畅销漫画改编剧《花样少年少女》大受好评之后推出单集SP,还特别收录樱咲学园的毕业典礼。  优秀跳高选手佐野泉(小栗旬 饰)为救被不良份子掳走(堀北真希 饰)割伤了韧带,自此不再跳高。为了补偿自己令泉不再跳高,为了想更了解泉和帮助泉再次跳高,瑞稀女扮男装转校到泉就读的日本樱咲私立高校。就此展开了一段啼笑皆非的校园趣事。SP的故事从瑞稀进入学园半年后开始。当时整个学园都沉浸在情人节的欢乐气氛中,泉(小栗旬 饰)和秀一(生田斗真 饰)开始回忆暑假最后一个星期发生的事情。就是TV版中没有提到的,第七集夏季合宿和第八集第二学期开始之间发生的故事。
  • 舞女纯情2005 1.0 舞女纯情2005
    2005 喜剧
    简介:  永塞(朴建衡 饰)在一次舞蹈比赛中被对手故意弄伤,自此被迫放弃跳舞事业,终日无所事事。经营舞蹈室的老板不忍永塞浪费了才华,邀请永塞重出江湖,更安排了一名从中国吉林的朝鲜族女孩张彩敏作为永塞的舞伴。永塞十分重视舞伴的到来,他也希望这是他重振名声的机会。当他亲自迎接舞伴时,到来的却是彩敏的妹妹彩琳(文根英 饰),因为姐姐快要出嫁了,彩琳便代替了姐姐。  令永塞十分震惊的是,彩琳对舞蹈一窍不通,感觉被骗了的永塞愤怒之极。距离全国大赛只有三个月的时间,永塞决定将彩琳训练为舞蹈的高手……
  • 信任1990 9.0 信任1990
    1990 喜剧
    简介:  1991年法国杜维尔电影节观众奖  1991年圣丹斯电影节荧幕特别奖  1991年圣保罗国际电影节观众奖  高中辍学生玛利亚告诉家人自己怀孕后,父亲倒毙地上,母亲把她踢出家门,男朋友弃她而去。于是她孤零零一个人无家可归。此时她遇上马修。他是个修理电子器械很有天分的高中毕业生,但他有个原则:质量至上,这使得他每份工作都做不长久。当玛利亚接受了马修的帮助,他们便展开一段令彼此发生转变的关系……  When high school dropout Maria Coughlin announces her pregnancy to her parents, her father drops dead on the floor. Her mother kicks her out of the house and her boyfriend dumps her, so Maria is left alone and homeless. This is when she meets Matthew Slaughter. Matthew is an educated high school graduate with a great talent for fixing electronic devices, but he can't hang on to a job because of his principled attitude towards quality. When Maria accepts Matthew's offer to help her, they begin to form a relationship with each other in which both of them begin to change.


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