2019 恐怖简介: Yaşar, a young man, has a hard time after his father's death. His inheritance from his father causes Yaşar to have problems with his stepmother. Meanwhile, Yaşar learns that her sister-in-law, Canan, who is living in the same house, is in love with her. While Yaşar is dealing with the inheritance issue and his sister-in-law, he realizes that there are some strange events at home. Yasar's mentally disordered daughter Efsun's dark past is unearthed, making things even more complicated. The pain of the family, who had to face the dark past of Efsun, is just the beginning for them.
- 7.0 闹鬼旅馆
- 6.0 营地婚礼
- 9.0 超时空玛德琳
- 4.0 车速过快
2020 恐怖简介: 在僧人Nong、First和Balloon完成他们承诺的任务并且赢得与Nak Nont的鬼魂的战斗之后,Thamma Nakanimitr寺庙恢复了往日的平静。这三个僧人希望过上平静的僧侣生活,但是不就之后,有一些事情发生了,僧人Balloon和First偷偷地收拾行李并在半夜离开了这座寺庙。僧人Nong与新来的僧人Nott和Odd一起留在了这座鬼魂出没的寺庙里。 过了一段时间,又发生另一个意想不到的转折:Balloo和First再次回到被摧毁、折磨的寺庙,而且感到非常震惊。在他们离开这座寺庙回归想要的世俗生活之后,却又一个新的鬼魂追赶恐吓他们,而且非常咄咄逼人,所以他们决定再回来寺庙寻找僧侣的庇护——没有一个僧侣可以毫发无损地厉害——这两个男孩正面临着另一场混乱。 剧照 剧照(7张) 尽管这个新的鬼魂一直困扰着他们,但是最后有一个希望,当Balloon和First遇到一个准备去同一个寺庙受戒的韩国-泰国歌手Toh Min-jun。为什么这座寺庙的僧侣不可能安然无恙地离开呢?2个同性朋友Balloon和 First是否能够再次生存到受戒的那一天?